Tuesday, February 27, 2007

How I Found the IWW

"I found you through a Google search. I was looking for a writing group online and liked what I read at your site. I appreciate the structure you are creating."

"I found out about your site when someone recommended it after I found a great deal of difficulty getting some of my work critiqued."
"I found out about this site in a comment on a post made in Miss Snark's Blog on Blogger.com. I was reluctant to join at first, as I've always been very self conscious about my writing. But I can't get anywhere with publishing if I'm too scared to show my stories to people. So here I am."
"I found out about this list from the writingworld.com website."
"So how did I hear about the elusive, yet reputable Internet Writing Workshop? I used to be a big reader of Max Barry's blog, and in it, he mentions the IWW as a great place to receive feedback. I'm sure many of you know Max Barry, because I believe he used to be a member himself. So there you have it. The credit goes to Max Barry."
"There was a link to this site on Scott Wiggerman home page."
"Well, if you wanted to know how I heard of this list ... I think it was because I saw something over at http://www.writing.com and thought it was interesting ... to get the best critiques I believe that it is important to have a multiple number of viewpoints. Plus the practice part actually interests me. That's one way to break down writer's block."
"I heard about IWW through a listserv for librarians who are also writers."
"My much admired friend Barbara Witbrecht told me about it ... We've done a lot of collaborations on Ghostletters together."
"I found your website for through a google search that I was doing for online writing groups. I have not submitted or critiqued anything yet, but I cannot wait. I think it's going to be a good experience."
"I read about this list at the Miss Snark literary agent blog."
"I heard about the group from a librarian friend, who had seen a notice on an email list for librarians who write. He knows that I'm always looking for new writers' resources."
"I found your site doing a search for writers groups on Google. I think this was the first link to come up."
"My writing mentor, Roxanne Hawn, suggested the list."
I have been looking for a quality online critique group for quite some time. It’s hard to get together with other writers when there is a full time job, munchkins, and a family. When the sun sets and the little ones are in bed, it’s time to start writing. I have plenty of time to write and critique at night, but by then – nothing is open.
"After searching for a few months – I’m really picky – for a quality online critique group, I looked at the IWW Fiction Group and was extremely impressed. I am capable of writing well, however there is nothing like another pair of eyes to scrutinize every single line I write and tell me ways of how to improve or to leave the words alone. Not only do I enjoy receiving critiques, I enjoy helping others improve their work so they are that much closer to reaching their dream of getting their written word out to the public."

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