Monday, June 18, 2012

IWW Members' Publishing Successes

Wow – a lot to “crow” about this week. Congratulations one and all.



Bob White

To borrow words from Rick - Cue the Flugelhorn. Pound out a beat on the tympani. My new mystery novel, Body in the Lake, is now available on Amazon both as an e-book for Kindle and a print edition. Here's the link to Amazon:
OR You can find a link on my website at:

In a few days, the e-book will be available in a format for other e-readers such as Nook, Sony, and Apple through Smashwords. Jennifer (from Novels) has been good enough to feature it on her web page at: -- Thanks Jennifer.

If those in 'Novels' who critted it would leave a review I'd be forever grateful.

Lynne Hinkey

Guest post, “Writing is an Endurance Sport,” up at

Mark Budman

My YA novel, Time Fighters: The Shifter Prince, critiqued at IWW is released as a Kindle book by Lone Knight Publishing.

Wayne Scheer

Fiction Brigade, an e-publisher of flash fiction, has accepted my story, “Fantasy Woman,” for an anthology of flash stories having to do with sex. My payment is in royalties, so I hope sex sells.  So far, I've never made anything on royalties.  Hence, I'm not putting down money on a new car or a block of cheese just yet. (

My poem, “A 1950's Housewife,” has been accepted at Long Story Short.  It will be published in a future issue. (

Pat St. Pierre

Two of my photos have been accepted by The Decades Review for the July issue. Will post link when issue is out.

Tom Mahoney

My novel Flooding Granite was selected for an Honorable Mention as one of the best books of 2011 by the Guide to Outdoor Literature:

Joanna M. Weston

A poem, “Two worlds,” in Front Porch Review I just discovered this.

And a poem, “The long spill,” in the print magazine,
Tower Poetry. This was critiqued by the Poetry List, many thanks indeed.

Mark Littleton

I have just published my first e-book on Amazon. It's called, “The End of the World as We Know It,” and it's basically about the Antichrist, what he will be like, how he will rise, how he will consolidate power to become Global Ruler of the Word, all according to prophecies in the Bible. I know many have heard this all before, but I think you would find this interesting and compelling. By the way, I have more than 100 regular books in print, all with royalty publishers.

Jennifer Kilby

The Legend of the Travelers: Willow's Journey is now available on Kindle at Again, I want to thank anyone who had even the smallest say in helping me with this book.

Ann Hite

I haven’t done one of these in a long time. Ghost On Black Mountain won First Novel in The Georgia Author of the Year Awards!

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