IWW Members' Publishing Successes
Another great publishing week for IWW members. Congratulations to the following:
Karen Rice
Ghost Walk, a mystery based on my experiences as a retired archaeologist, indigenous people I or someone in my family knew personally, & criminals I knew personally, including an ex-husband, etc., will be published by 4RV Publishing. I hope they keep the working title, because I love it! http://www.4rvpublishing.com/reinke-and-rice.php
Wayne Scheer
My poem, “Moonwalk,” is up at New Verse News. http://www.newversenews.com/
My flash, “Dancing fo the Wizard,” originally wiritten with the Practice group, has been accepted by Cynic Magazine for their Fall issue. http://www.cynicmag.com
Ellen Lindquist
The prose poem I “yahoo'ed” just a week or so ago (“The Fallen Flower,” pg. 71 in The Prose-Poem Project, http://www.prose-poems.com/ is now up. This editor (Ellen Clay, a prose poet in her own right) is really amazing. Even if you don't like prose poems, check out how perfectly designed her online litmag is: http://www.prose-poems.com/pagetwoX.html
Jack Shakely
Although I have no memory of the transaction, I have been informed that my novel, The Confederate War Bonnet, is selling on Nook Books for 99 cents. I'd ask my publisher about the deal, but he steadfastly remains bankrupt. Lucky for me I married into money ($37.85 as I remember it, plus a 1978 Yugo). Enjoy.
Beth Camp
I'm celebrating today because I successfully maneuvered both Kindle and CreateSpace formats to publish paperback and Kindle versions of The Mermaid Quilt and Other Tales, a collection of 8 stories and a number of poems. And to thank all of you from NOVELS-L, PRACTICE, and here, the WRITING list, where I lurk constantly but seldom comment! You can read the first story for free at http://www.amazon.com/The-Mermaid-Quilt-Other-Tales/dp/1479180971/ref=tmm_pap_title_0
Mel Jacob
Sept (Aug) Reviews at www.gumshoereview.com
Corpse in the Crystal Ball (A Fortune Teller Mystery) by Kari Lee Townsend
Death in Her Face by Sheila York Field of Schemes (Lloyd Keaton Mystery) by John Billheimer
Death in Her Face by Sheila York Field of Schemes (Lloyd Keaton Mystery) by John Billheimer
The Formula for Murder by Carol McCleary
Hopsquatch by Michael Newton
Hopsquatch by Michael Newton
Sacrificial Offerings (Leal and Hart) by Michael A. Black
The Seven Wonders: A Novel of the Ancient World by Steven Saylor
Thieftaker (Thieftaker Chronicles) by D.B. Jackson
The Wizard of Oz as American Myth: A Critical Study of Six Versions of the Story, 1900-2007 by Alissa Burger ((nonfiction)
Jacquelynn Rasmenia Massoud
The Lowestoft Chronicle has published my story, “Stains From the Mint Julep I Never Tasted,” in their autumn issue, which is now online: http://www.lowestoftchronicle.com/issues/issue11/rasmeniamassoud.html
Thanks to everyone in fiction who took the time to read & crit this piece.
Every Day Fiction has chosen my flash piece, “House Cleaning,” which was published on their site in 2010, for their anthology, Best of Every Day Fiction, Volume Four.
Thanks to everyone in fiction who took the time to read & crit this piece.
Every Day Fiction has chosen my flash piece, “House Cleaning,” which was published on their site in 2010, for their anthology, Best of Every Day Fiction, Volume Four.
My story, “Still Life With Abigail,” was accepted by The Ranfurly Review & is now online in their latest issue, which is available as a free download:
I only heard of this small, Scottish publication recently. No pay for contributors, but the magazine looks nice with some decent writing & they're friendly. I'm a big fan of nice, decent & friendly.
Thanks again to Fiction for the feedback on this story - it was very helpful.
I only heard of this small, Scottish publication recently. No pay for contributors, but the magazine looks nice with some decent writing & they're friendly. I'm a big fan of nice, decent & friendly.
Thanks again to Fiction for the feedback on this story - it was very helpful.
Virginia Winters
I just found out that my book, The Facepainter Murders, was a semifinalist in the Kindle Book Review Best Books of 2012 contest. Comes with a bright yellow badge for the book cover, web-site, etc. Quite exciting for me.
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