IWW Members' Publishing Successes
IWW members had another great week of publishing. Please join me in congratulating these latest successes.
Jamie Wilson
On the basis of my blog, and a phone interview with an editor, Adam Bellow, I've been asked to write a cultural criticism book as one of a series for Templeton Press. Bellow has also invited me to work for him in getting his new conservative nonfiction magazine up and running.
Adrienne Ross Scanlan
My essay, “Christ of the Abyss,” is part of the brand new, edgy nature writing anthology, A Natural History of Now: reports from the edge of nature, newly up at Amazon ($10). Yes, edgy nature writing as in vegetarians at butchering classes and lassoing kittiwakes, among other unconventional reflections on humans and nature.
If you've ever wondered how your work could be submitted to one of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt's annual Best American anthologies, head on over to Alle Hall's blog, About Childhood (http://allehall.wordpress.com/). Look for, “Submitting to The Best American Series Made Easy,” by Adrienne Ross Scanlan (posted on September 11, 2012).
Mona Leeson Vanek
Montana's State of the Arts news magazine published my book review. http://art.mt.gov/pdfsoa/septoct12/10-11.pdf, Scroll to the 2nd page. It's the Tiger book.
Montana Magazine commissioned a local photographer to do a photo shoot of me to accompany our Cathy Moser's story about upcoming eEditions of my books, Behind These Mountains, Vols. 1, 2 & 3. MM will also publish selected historic photographs from the books. Thank you, Cathy for honoring me with your excellent story. The editor said she loves it -- so thanks also to IWW NFic members who critted Cathy's draft sub.
Mel Jacob
My article, Fiction Genre and Reader Expectations at: (http://patriciastoltey.blogspot.com/2012/09/fiction-genre-and-reader-expectations.html)
“The Teaching Man,” by Nell DuVall is included in the new “Touched by Darkness Anthology,” from etopia up on Amazon and other sites.
Tom Mahoney
My short story, “The Bowl,” is up at Santa Cruz Waves: http://www.santacruzwaves.com/local-loop/the-bowl/
Jacquelynn Rasmenia Massoud
My story, “Scattered Among So Many Dead Poets,” was accepted by the Foundling Review & is now online in their current issue: http://www.foundlingreview.com/Sept2012Issue1Massoud.html
Thanks to everyone in fiction who gave me feedback on this one. I have a bit of a soft spot for this story for some reason & am happy to see that it found a home... & that Foundling Review finally accepted one of my stories. Even though I still cherish all the rejections they sent me.
Thanks to everyone in fiction who gave me feedback on this one. I have a bit of a soft spot for this story for some reason & am happy to see that it found a home... & that Foundling Review finally accepted one of my stories. Even though I still cherish all the rejections they sent me.
Edith Parzefall
Wow, I'm excited and amazed by Rosalie Skinner's sneak preview review of my thriller, Strays of Rio, to be released on Sept 21.
Publishing a violent thriller on the International Day of Peace sounded awful, but then I thought about the book and what I'd wanted to achieve with it. After a few days, I felt more than comfortable with the release date. And Rosalie Skinner's post appeared just at the right time to make me relax even more. Once again, big thanks to everyone here who helped me get Strays of Rio into shape and helped me hone my writing skills even more with the next manuscripts, so I could go back and polish Strays even more.
Joanna M. Weston
Thanks to a friend, I’ve just learned I’ve been featured for a week of haiku at Daily Haiku.
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