Monday, July 21, 2014

IWW Members' Publishing Successes

Wayne Scheer

My sci fi horror flash, “Electrix Love,” has been accepted for a future issue of Literary Hatchet. They like horror and humor, a good combination, a pay $15 for a story, including flash.

I have a poem, “He Didn't Know,” up at Leaves of Ink.

Lori Brody

Just in time for the waning of the supermoon, my flash fiction, “New Moon,” is in the Summer 2014 issue of the Mojave River Review.

Mel Jacob

Jacqueline Seewald had interview of me up on Authors Expression. I discuss my career and books including the newest Murder in Her Dreams, a paranormal mystery.

Joanna M. Weston

My poem, “Jazz Vespers,” up at A Day's Encounter.

Lynne Hinkey

It's live! My short story, “Golf Goes On,” up at Infective Ink today.

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