Monday, October 13, 2014

IWW Members' Publishing Successes

Charles Hobbs

The publisher's link is now ready for my book, Hidden History of Transportation in Los Angeles. Publication date is November 4, 2014. I also now have a record in the Library of Congress. (No holdings, subject headings or other details yet...)

Wayne Scheer

I have three poems up at Dead Snakes.  Each one had to be a mix of poison and sweetness.  I adapted the first two poems from Practice flash stories.

Three Line Poetry accepted a poem of mine for inclusion in their paperback anthology #28.

The Camel Saloon has accepted my poem, "One More Journey," for a future issue.

My nonfiction piece, “The Abandoned House.” is up at Long Story Short.

William Bartlett

My September column is up at in the ‘Word from Dad’ feature.  This month, it's entitled, “Please and Thank You,” and it's also available in print in KC Parent magazine.

Sue Ellis

Had a great time reading Jacob Appel's, Scouting for the Reaper, a collection of seven short stories that won him Black Lawrence Press's Hudson Prize in 2012. The review is here.

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