Monday, April 10, 2017

IWW Members' Publishing Successes

Mel Jacob

April Book Reviews: For Science Fiction Review:

The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden. A fascinating tale of Old Russia when it was still the Rus and ruled by the Khan. The Black Wolves of Boston by Wen Spencer. An exciting and humorous tale for young adults of a young werewolf and his unwilling acceptance of his heritage.

Stephanie Burgis's latest novel, the Congress of Secrets, set in Vienna, follows the political machinations after the fall of Bonaparte. Tad Williams' fans accustomed to his longer more detailed epics may find this short novel, The Heart of What Was Lost, lacking depth. It provides a bridge from the original Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn to his newer series

For Gumshoe Review:

Phillip DePoy’s second novel The English Agent (featuring Christopher Marlowe, Elizabethan poet, playwright, and secret agent) sees Marlowe assigned by Lord Walsingham to ensure the safety of William the Silent, an ally to Queen Elizabeth.

Lawrence Block's novella, Keller's Hat, features a long-time hit man who has been inactive for some time take on an assignment concerning an unfaithful wife.

Trigger Yappy, by Diane Orgain meant as a lighthearted mystery with an amateur sleuth, putts along at a sputtering pace.

Water Signs, (Jeri Howard), by Janet Dawson gets bogged down with an overabundance of the history and physical descriptions of the Oakland, California.

Theresa A. Cancro

1) Five senryu (haiku with mainly human elements) have been published in issue #16 of Failed Haiku, an online journal. Scroll to page 134.

2) Three of my haiku are included in the April 2017 issue of Brass Bell, featuring "edible haiku." Joanna Weston is also there. It's arranged alphabetically by first name.

Mark Budman

My story, “Super Couple,” critiqued here, is published by New World Writing (formerly Mississippi Review). Thank you to my critics.

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