Monday, June 8, 2020

IWW Members' Publishing Successes

Dave Gregory

There should be more news to come, but, 25 years after the first draft, and almost 22 months after an overnight acceptance, my flash fiction story "Face Painting" is finally online at Still Point Arts Quarterly, page 68.

Special thanks to Adam Richter, Kerry Radloff, Cezarija Abartis, Frank Zielony, Hagar, Lari Ferguson, Eric Petersen and the late Paul Pekin for the feedback which transformed this story into something quite different but infinitely better than what I'd drafted.

My story "Norway Maple" is now online at The Sunlight Press - a paying market. Special thanks to John Palcewski, Steven Smith, Wayne Scheer, Eric Petersen, chioma iwunze-Ibiam, & the late Paul Pekin, for providing helpful feedback that significantly improved this story.

Jan Bridgeford-Smith

I'm excited to announce that my memoir-ish essay, "Witness to a Solitary Affliction," has been published by the literary journal Boulevard and appears in the current Spring issue.

Jeannette de Beauvoir

The sixth book in my Provincetown mystery series was published June 1. It’s called The MatinĂ©e Murders and takes place during the Provincetown International Film Festival… which did *not* take place this year, leading me to muse… you know the question of whether a tree falling in a forest makes a sound if there’s no one to hear it? My version: if a murder takes place during a film festival that doesn’t happen, is the person still dead?

Pamelyn Casto

I just got word that my poem, "Medea's Threnody," will be re-published in the next issue of Carmina Magazine.

My poem was originally published in Ship of Fools, in hard copy, so I appreciate those editors who will give my work a 'net presence too.

Earlier this month OPEN: Journal of Arts & Letters published my essay "A Close Reading of Lon Otto's "Love Poems."

Diane Diekman

I've published my fifth book that has been critted by the NFiction group. I don't know what I'd do without all of you. It's my third memoir, and it tells my story of becoming a mother at age 50, when I adopted my daughters in Los Angeles in 2000. Mommy! Watch Me is available on my website and as a Kindle e-book.

Chandrika Radhakrishnan

I'm thrilled to place first in the Drabble contest conducted by Wordweavers. Though I hadn't written this for practice sessions, I was conscious of the critiques I receive for my writings. Having just 100 words at my disposal helped!

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