Monday, July 6, 2020

IWW Members' Publishing Successes

Wayne Scheer

Clever Magazine is one of the first ezines I published in after I retired and decided to write. It's now twenty years old and the editor is featuring some of my stories through the years, as well as a couple of new ones. The newest, "The Dance Palace," was written in Practice just a couple weeks ago.

The editor is planning on changing the format of her ezine, but she's still looking for flash fiction and longer stories, humor, essays, travel pieces and so forth. I've enjoyed working with her through the years. I hope you enjoy my "retrospective."

My short poem, "He Gets It," is up at New Verse News.

Preeth Ganapathy

Snakeskin Poetry Webzine has published two of my short poems - 'The Tourist Guide' and 'With love,from a toddler to a writer mother' in their July 2020 Issue.

Another poem 'Meditations' has been published by Nymphs Magazine.

Pamelyn Casto

OPEN: Journal of Arts & Letters has published my essay, A Close Reading of Bai Xiao-Yi's "Explosion in the Parlor."

Thanks to Paul Fein, Janaki Lenin, Catharine Moser, and Kristen Howe in the Non-Fiction group for help getting it into shape. Your suggestions helped a lot.

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