Monday, July 20, 2020

IWW Members' Publishing Successes

Wayne Scheer

I'll piggy back on my "cousin"--Judy Q's--yahoo and thank Pamelyn Casto for letting us know about Dan Boyd's podcast for old people...err seniors....He's starting a Poet's Corner on his podcast and read two of my poems and two of Judith's.

I believe he defines seniors as anyone over 50 so feel free to sub a poem or two to him at if you qualify. Our poems can be heard on Episode 16, about a quarter of the way through.

Cezarija E. Abartis

"The Raven Talks About Her Clipped Wings," a 100-word flash of mine, was just published in Boston Literary Magazine (page 9). I love the cover of the noble hound with a string of sausages dangling from his noble nose.

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