Monday, January 18, 2021

IWW Members' Publishing Successes

Rasmenia Massoud

My flash piece, Velcro, was published over at Every Day Fiction. Thanks to my fantastic Fiction friends for giving this one a read before I set it loose in the submission wilderness.

Wayne Scheer

A comic flash I wrote with the Practice group has been accepted for publication at Flash Fiction Magazine. The story was originally called, "A Fuddy Duddy on Vacation," but is now titled, "A Gondola Ride in Venice." The story won't be published for another two months.

Thanks go to the fine critiques I received on Practice.

Chandrika Radhakrishnan

A nonfiction piece I wrote was made available on The Hindu's website, along with a print version. It's for a weekly food based column and a story behind it.

Cezarija E. Abartis

My story, "The Princess in the Tower," has been published in Adelaide Literary Magazine. Thank you to the kind reviewers: Bill LaFond, Deepa, Mark Budman, Wayne Scheer, Mitra Lacaille, Chandrika Radhakrishnan, Aaron Troye-White, and Eric Petersen.

Pamelyn Casto

I'm so excited to have received my free contributor's copy of Gargoyle today. Inside is my poem, Eve-Pandora, an ekphrastic poem about Jean Cousin's painting Eva Prima Pandora.

This is a beautiful issue and I'm so proud to have my work included. And I'm keeping such good company with the likes of so many talented poets and fiction writers whose work has also been published. It made my day to receive this in my mailbox.

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