Monday, May 29, 2023

IWW Members' Publishing Successes For The Week Ending 5/28/23

Pamelyn Casto

Ryan Griffith's "Thrill of Fire" is the most recent story I've explored for the A Featured Series of Close Reading for OPEN: Journal of Arts & Letters. The tiny story is just one sentence long but what a powerful sentence it is. It's not a story I'll likely forget.

Amita Basu

My story "Shoes" (1k) was accepted for publication by NiftyLit. They pay $15 for flash fiction if you opt for the flat-fee route, but they also offer an NFT option whereby you get that plus royalties in NFTs.

They buy perpetual rights, so I changed my mind after signing the contract and receiving payment. They were very accommodating and polite.

"Shoes" has been accepted by Funicular, for publication in their next print issue. They pay $25 for flash stories included in their print publication, and $10/page for short fiction in print. They don't pay for pieces published only on their website.

"Backsides" (1k) was accepted for republication in Literally Stories. They don't pay.

"Courage Anniversary" (2k) was republished in CommuterLit (no pay).

"Timeshare" (speculative, 3k) was published in Bewildering Stories (no pay).

"Last Day of Freedom" (speculative, 6k) was republished in Bewildering Stories.

A few months ago I received my contributor's copies of Proem, which features my flash story "Dusk," and of The Dalhousie Review, which features my short story "Night."

Proem is only available in print, and TDR's online database is only available to subscribers, but I've republished both pieces on my website. TDR pays $25.

I've also had some 100-word stories published by Fairfield Scribes:




Fairfield Scribes pays $1 for a 100-word story, by PayPal only. All these pieces were workshopped on IWW, some in multiple rounds.

Thank you to everyone for reading and critiquing.

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