Monday, August 5, 2024

IWW Members' Publishing Successes For The Week Ending 8/4/24

Anita Saran

My upcoming book from Bookleaf Publishing, Kali's Lament & Other Poems, has won the 21st century Emily Dickinson Award. I'm also excited about presenting my paintings in the book. Each prose poem is illustrated; by now, I have had 4 solo shows of my work.

The book will be available in bookstores too in the UK and the US. And on Amazon of course. I participated in the Bookleaf 21 Day poem writing challenge.

Paul S. Fein

I'm excited that Coaches Choice released my new book -- GAME CHANGERS: How the Greatest Players, Matches, and Controversies Transformed Tennis. Its description appears on Amazon now. I'd like to thank everyone who critiqued the essays, features, and other pieces in this book. You made it much better.

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