Monday, July 30, 2007

Exercise: Opening the door (Version 3)

Originated by: Florence Cardinal as "The Doorway"
Posted on: 21 Oct 2001
Reposted, revised, on: 29 July 2007

Exercise: In 300 words or less, let your readers see a character
opening a door, and then show us what the character sees on the other side.

This is an exercise in creating a setting--keep that in mind.
Your submission may bethe beginning of a story or a scene,
or it may introduce a character. But above all, this is your
chance to practice developing a backdrop.

Imagine your character at a door. What does it look like?
Where does it lead? The character opens it. Did she need a
key? Did he knock, ring the bell, or just turn the knob and
walk in? Or is there a knob? Does the door lead inside, or

The door and what the character sees need not be anything
fantastic, although they can be if you so choose. Make sure
you take the time to fully visualize the setting before you start
writing. What counts is not a budding plot, but the place in
which the action gets underway.

Once the door is open, what does the character see, hear,
smell? How about the sense of touch? What does he touch?
Does anything touch her? The wind, perhaps? Describe it all
so your readers can experience it along with you or your character.


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