Saturday, August 18, 2007

How I Found the IWW

The Internet Writing Workshop continues to attract new members, thanks mostly to desire plus impulse followed by a trip to the world's most reliable search engine, the one named for the number one followed by a hundred zeros, or the illustration of "the difference between an unimaginably large number and infinity."

New members and old should remember to promote this creative cooperative known as The Internet Writing Workshop. We who voluntarily administer the IWW appreciate every individual who links to the workshop or to this blog. And, if you like, we can forward an IWW logo for your to display.

  • I found your site when I did a Google search for online writer's groups.
  • My cousin told me about The Internet Writing Workshop.
  • I found IWW as a Google search: 'free novel critiques' or some such.
  • Yahoo search.
  • There's a woman, Sussana I believe, whose real-life writing group I joined. She told me to sign up, so I'm here.
  • Where I heard: I've run across references to IWW in several other places, mostly online. I can't recall the exact sites (other than Google searches).
  • I don't remember how I found you. Sorry!
  • I found your site through a google search.

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