Sunday, October 14, 2007

This week's practice exercise

Exercise: Epiphany

Prepared by: Loretta Carrico-Russell
Posted on: Sunday. Oct. 14, 2007

Exercise: In 400 words or less, write a scene in which an individual
experiences an epiphany. Show what leads to the moment of insight
and how it changes the character's life.


An epiphany is described as a sudden, intuitive perception or insight
into the essential meaning of something, and is usually initiated by a
simple or commonplace occurrence or experience.

In a story the term epiphany refers to the moment when something
suddenly becomes clear to the character, the moment when past events
appear in a new light and insight is gained. A writer often uses a
striking image, a phrase, or other previously unknown detail that
brings that awareness to the character. The character is changed by
the new realization.

A prime example of an epiphany in literature comes to Ebenezer
Scrooge in Charles Dickens's "A Christmas Carol," when he suddenly
sees himself as a selfish man who loves money more than his fellow
man. His eyes are opened to the truth and he changes once he is
enlightened. In his case, it takes three ghosts to produce the change,
but for some people nothing more is required than the sight of a
newborn baby.

Bear in mind--an epiphany doesn't always lead to happiness;
sometimes sudden disillusion can produce despair.


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