Monday, March 3, 2008

IWW Members Published and in Print

Peg Frey

Hi All!

I'm happy to follow Wayne Scheer's announcement on flashquake's
new issue. My short fiction, "When It's All Said and Done" can be
found here, and my flash nonfiction, "True Believers," here.

In addition, the Birmingham Arts Journal went live and has
included my flash piece, "Even the Gods Can Be Wrong." I haven't
received my print copies yet, but several IWW members have said
that BAJ is well done. Nice addition to my bookshelf! The new issue
can be found here. (Go to the .pdf file and scroll down to p. 10.)

I'm also joining another IWW member in BAJ. Always a good
thing. Thanks for the continuing support.

Rebecca Gaffron

Today I learned that my creative non-fiction piece "The Drawer of
Unknown Possibilities" will be appearing in the Spring issue of Salt River
. This comes on the heels of my short fiction "Sam: A Just So
Story" being accepted to the Sniplits library--I'm in good IWW
company there :-)

Wendee Holtcamp

"Looking for a Few Good Men" When they come home from Iraq
and Afghanistan, our veterans may find themselves out of a job as
well as out of uniform. Time to call Green Collar Vets. OnEarth
Magazine, Spring 2008.

"Godiva's latest ride." We know chocolate fires libidos, improves
moods, and makes hearts healthy. Who knew it could fuel cars?
OnEarth, Spring 2008.

Mel Jacob

At least 17 libraries have my novel Train. Guess I need to get going
and encourage more OH libraries to buy it. Worldcat shows locations
of books in libraries everywhere. I keyed in USA as location.

Adam Lowe

Polluto has just won an award for our excellent cover art by Kurt
Huggins & Zelda Devon, "Singer."

Spectrum Fantastic Art awarded us the Silver Award for Editorial
art. Let's hope it's the first award of many!

Julie McGuire

My essay "The Patron Saint of Lost Passports" is now live at The
Birmingham Arts Journal. (Go to the .pdf file and scroll down to p.

I'm in good company there.

Randy Radic

The publisher at ECW Press proposed an idea for a non-fiction book
to me. Initially, I did not care for it, but upon second thought, decided
it was a good idea. I wrote a sample chapter and a brief outline for
six subsequent chapters and sent it off to him.

ECW Press just sent me a contract for the proposed book. The
projected title is Gone To Hell. It's the true stories of seven priests
who went bad -- embezzlement.

Thanks for all the encouragement ... never give up!

Kate Reynolds

My article "Finding Your Inner Chef" came out today in AAA's
Highroads Magazine. And they printed two of my photos, which
means . . . extra money!

Wayne Scheer

I have some good news to share.

Birmingham Arts Journal has published my story "The Lovesong
of Langley Moran." (Go to the .pdf file and scroll down to p. 21.)

Bent Pin Quarterly has accepted my flash memoir for their April
issue: "The Adventures of Bluey Swanson."

The Painted Door will reprint my attempt at baseball humor also in
April: "The Outing of Polonius 'Pete' Popoutsky."

I'm happy to report that flashquake leads their current fiction
section with my story "Blind Date, Circa 1960," which began on the
Practice list. See at least one other IWW member in both fiction and

Finally, my story "Arnold Levin Considers Shooting His In-laws" is
published in the March Family issue of Shakespeare's Monkey
Review, a print journal. The story was reviewed on the Fiction list a
while back.

Thanks to everyone on IWW for your critiques and support.

Timi Thornton

I just got notice that another poem of mine, "Clear Findings," has
been accepted for publication in a print magazine called The
magazine, which is an international magazine available
in the 50 states and 17 foreign countries :-)

On The Storyteller magazine web site, they describe their purpose
this way: “The Storyteller is one of the few magazines whose main
goal is to help new writers see their work in print.”

This is only my second acceptance for publication as a poet. (I'm two
for four now: two rejections, two acceptances) It is nice to have a
publication with their helpful attitude while building my confidence.

They pay a tiny amount and do not give contributors copies, but it is
still wonderful to get another poem published out there for people to
read. It's a nice affirmation that I write poetry acceptable for mass

Chris Weigand

I wanted to share my most recent article with you. Some of you may
have seen it before, but I finally got it into a Catholic publication (a
dream of mine). Here is the link.

Enjoy and God Bless!

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