Monday, February 16, 2009

IWW Members' Publishing Successes

Back to normal--which is lots of our members getting published!


Mark Budman

My novel My Life at First Try will be translated into Russian.

Diane Diekman

My telephone interview with Don McCauley was broadcast last Wednesday, Feb. 10, on The Authors Show.

Mira Desai

Am delighted to inform you that my sub "Chance" has been accepted for Six Sentences, Volume 2.

A warm thank you to the Practice group. And Alice in particular.

Alice Folkart

Just received my two author's copies of the print version of the Birmingham Arts Journal. You'll find my poem, "They Take Such Good Care of Us," on page 41. But don't stop there. There's a lot of very good writing and visual art here.

I submitted my work sometime in October. It took several weeks before I heard from them, and then I wouldn't be in until their 'spring' edition. But, it was worth the wait! They accept poetry, prose and visual art. A very nice venue, and lovely people.

My poem "The Cat and I" is up at 7Beats Here and Now. There's a lot of good stuff in this edition - my poem comes right after the 5th photo image down (an empty parking lot - might be that the editor chose this juxtaposition on purpose). Hope that you'll have a moment to take a look.

And I seem to be standing in a shower of acceptances - I've just been told that the memoir I submitted to a contest seeking memoirs about mothers for an Island-wide Mother's Day reading fest has been accepted.

The organizers have received work from all over the world, but, most specifically from Pacific-rim countries. The readings will be held on Mother's Day on all of the islands and will be staged by directors working with actors in a variety of venues. The head-director/producer is editing accepted work to tailor it to theatrical presentation. She sent my edit for my approval. It was fine. Not a chop job.

I hope that my piece will be read on 'my' island, Oahu. If not, I'm ready to hop a plane to go and see it performed.

So exciting!

Ann Hite

My review of The English Major has been published at The Internet Review of Books. You really must read the whole issue. Beautiful work.

Kristen Howe

Hi, everyone. I just checked Snow Monkey for my poem. It was posted last week on the website for this month. Let me know when you check it out.

Peter N. Jones

I got an email today from Gale-Cengage Publishing if I would be willing to have one of my blog articles included in an upcoming publication entitled Global Viewpoints: Indigenous Peoples. Really, what a great surprise. So far, blogging has really be paying off, as I have gotten several writing contracts and book chapters, as well as some money and a growing readership.

Of course I said yes.

Edith Parzefall

My short fiction piece "Management Training" has been published by, Find my name and click on "Management Training."

They want to include it in the November 2009 issue of cc&d magazine (print and online), and who knows, maybe they'll select it for their annual collection of short prose and poetry.

One step at a time. Maybe I'll get my thriller Found Guilty published next. ;-)

Roger Poppen

Finally I have a website where you can read some of my published work. While I'm not garrulous enough to do a blog, I'd enjoy hearing from you.

Thank you.

Wayne Scheer

I just got word that my story "Fantasy Woman" was accepted at Every Day Fiction. I want to thank the folks in the Fiction group for critiquing this one, but special thanks to Mira and Rasana for their help with the details of Mumbai local color. All EDF said was that it would be published at a later

What I like about Every Day Fiction is they offer specific feedback when they reject a story and give you the opportunity to resubmit the revision, if they think the story is close to what they're looking for. This is what happened with "Fantasy Woman." And they pay a big three bucks!

That's the good thing about being older and more mature as I achieve fame and fortune. I shudder to think how I might have lived had I made this kind of money when I was young.

Joanna M. Weston

Two poems, "Cold water" and "Listening," up at 7 Beats. Scroll down about 1/3 of the way and they're under a photo of a bridge/girder. Happy weekend!


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