Monday, July 16, 2018

IWW Members' Publishing Successes

Diane Diekman

My two latest reviews for the Internet Review of Books have been posted. FBI Girl is a memoir, and Prairie Fires is the Pulitzer-winning biography of Laura Ingalls Wilder. Thanks to the NFiction folks who critted them for me. And my apologies for sending this first to the wrong list.

Judith Quaempts

I have a painting and a poem up at The Ekphrastic Review.

Wayne Scheer

My story, "Turn Around," is up at Sunlight Press. I began this story in Practice and it was critiqued in Fiction as well, so I have a lot of people to thank.

Joanna M. Weston

My poem, 'Being friends', is up at Stanzaic Stylings. It's good to have writing friends all over the place!

Dave Gregory

My eighth published story this year has landed at The Literary Nest: An Online Magazine of Literary Art. Hagar, Cezarija, Wayne, Edita, Paul, Siewleng, John, Pauline and Tony all provided great suggestions to turn a sloppy, implausible SUB into a publishable story.

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