Monday, October 11, 2021

IWW Members' Publishing Successes For The Week Ending 10/10/21

Amita Basu

My short story "Courage Anniversary" has been published in The Dillydoun Review. This story was extensively critted on IWW in two rounds earlier this year. Thank you to everyone in the Fiction group who critiqued it.

My short story "The Decision," about a couple in Bangalore deciding during the pandemic whether to have children, was accepted by Rollick mag. This Australia-based mag responds quickly and pays $50 per piece.

My flash story "School Trip," about social class and empathy, was accepted by Sledgehammer. This colourful mag doesn't pay, but they publish all pieces in audio as well as text format.

Both pieces were workshopped in IWW's Fiction group earlier this year. Thank you to all members!

Cezarija E. Abartis

My flash story "Advice: Grandmother to Medea" has been published in Bending Genres Journal. I'm grateful to the kind reviewers who read it in early June: Judith Quaempts, Bill LaFond, Amita Basu , Deepa, Mir Sorvino. Thank you!

Mithran Somasundrum

A novel of mine, "The Mask Under My Face," has finally been published by a small press in Singapore called Kitaab. The Kindle version is available on Amazon and there will be a print version out in two or three weeks.

It will probably only be on bookshelves in Singapore unless we convince Asia Books in Bangkok to take it. The novel is about the son of a Thai traffic cop who ends up unknowingly working for the rich man who killed his father.

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