Monday, August 21, 2023

IWW Members' Publishing Successes For The Week Ending 8/20/23

Pamelyn Casto

My interview with the great Michael Martone is included in a new chapbook titled The Tiny Book of Forts. As you'll see, OPEN: Journal of Arts & Letters has created another gorgeous chapbook. Interviewing Martone was fascinating - he's full of energy and interesting ideas.

This is the fourth writer/chapbook in the Masters Series and I'm so pleased to have my interviews included in all four. I get to select the accomplished writers of flash literature and do the interview and O:JA&L turns the work into beautiful chapbooks.

For those of you who study flash literature, this chapbook will delight you. It's free, so do take advantage of the gift. Next up in the series will be the work of Roberta Allen, an accomplished writer and artist.

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