Sunday, August 26, 2007

This week's IWW Yahoos~

Gold stars go to the following for their recent publication success:

I just got word that my story, "Autumn Moon," won First Place in Wild Violet's short story contest--$100! The story can be read at Autumn Moon. Thanks to all the folks at Fiction for their help with this one.

Also, an old story of mine, "First Date," will be reprinted at ken*again in their Fall issue. Thanks, again, to Fiction and to Louisa Howerow for informing me of this market. I learned of it from one of her many Yahoos. This story was also originally critiqued on Fiction.

Thanks to all,
**Wayne Scheer

Yahoo! I've just heard from Quantum Leap, a Scottish magazine that wants to hold one of my poem "Too Late Too Soon" for future publication somewhere down the road. If my poem is used, I would be paid two Sterling pounds ($3.98 US dollars).

**Kristen Howe

My story "Listen" has been published in the the Birmingham Arts Journal on page 49. Thank you to the members of the practice group who provided input for the story. Here are the journal's guidelines.

**Louisa Howerow

My essay, "Holding Your Breath" has been published in Cup of Comfort's newly released Classic Edition anthology. This edition is a reissue of COC's inaugural 2001 collection released shortly after 9/11. The anthology includes 45 of the original 50 stories plus five new essays, one of which is mine. This particular essay started on the practice board, and was then reviewed and critiqued by members of the nonfiction list. So thanks again for the continuing support and help.

Since the original 2001 publication, the Cup of Comfort series has issued twenty volumes of collected essays on a variety of topics. This is a paying market: $100 per story; $500 for a volume's lead-in essay. Check here for upcoming issues and submission guidelines.

**Peg Frey

1. My essay "He's not an Alcoholic" will be in the book Voices of Alcoholism, to be published in March '08 by LaChance Publishing in New York. It was written when I was 19 (6 years ago), and was critted on NFiction last year. NFiction members may remember my dilemma regarding whether to publish it under my name or a pseudonym. I went with my real name, so let's just say I like to make life interesting. ;)

2. I have been assigned work by Ms. Magazine. A contract is on the way. Pass my feminist hat, please.

3. An article I wrote on pre-marital investigations appears on Women's eNews.

**Mridu Khullar
Freelance Journalist

My flash fiction " Seduction by Pickle" is up at Literary Tonic. The story was critiqued on the fiction list. Being brand new at this endeavor (writing), I would have never tried to submit the piece except for the warm encouragement I received from all of you. A special thanks to Wayne Sheer for pointing the direction.

**Dean West

The Birmingham Arts Journal, published by the Birmingham Art Association
in Alabama has accepted my poem: "I Cannot Be 'Perfect' and Creative." They accept national and international submissions.

Carey Link

My poem "How to Make a Pigeon Cry" leads off today's New Verse News. What makes this so exciting for me is that I just revised this poem yesterday, emailed it to New Verse News, and had a response in my in-box this morning informing me that it had been accepted and was already on-line! Talk about fast response! I've never encountered such a thing--I'm still stunned! That's less than a 24-hour turnaround.

Scott Wiggerman


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