Thursday, July 19, 2007

Safe Computing

The Internet Writing Workshop's list server does not process attachments, and so members participating in the various lists generally feel they are in a safe environment.

Nevertheless, if we write, we research. We send emails. We upload and download files. And there are bad guys out there. We need to protect ourselves and our computer systems.

A non-writing list in which I participate recently had a discussion about spyware, cookies, and viruses that can damage computer systems, and, as it happened, the membership of that list includes several computer professionals.

Here are a few of their recommendations, all of which are available as freeware or shareware.

Disclaimer: As with anything we recommend on the Internet Writing Workshop Blog, we note neither the individual administrators or members of the IWW nor the IWW as an entity can be responsible for the truthfulness or usefulness of the material anyone finds on the sites to which we link. We are all responsible for ourselves and the consequences of our actions, and the best approach to Internet activities is caveat emptor, even if something is free.

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