Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Safe Writing

Recently, someone asked IWW administrator Greg Gunther a question that should come to mind before a person joins the Internet Writing Workshop.

"I was discussing this list with a friend of mine today and he asked me if the writers' work is protected in some way. In other words, is it safe from theft? ... out of curiosity, I thought I'd ask about it anyway."
Greg directed the person to the IWW's Web page where the facts are outlined, as well as other good information.
Q: What if someone steals my work?

Unfortunately, plagiarism can occur anytime writers share their writing with anyone else. Writers have had their works plagiarized by family members, friends, or writing instructors.

However, plagiarism is not as common as some people believe. Remember also that a similarity in ideas or plots does not automatically indicate plagiarism — there are only so many ideas and plots around, after all.

That said, the IWW offers these safeguards against plagiarism:

  • Membership to the critiquing lists is restricted to active members (no lurkers).
  • List postings are not archived. The only people who see them are the list members who receive the posts.
  • Anonymous or hidden members are not allowed.
  • Since several people will see any given submission, this increases the chances any plagiarism will be discovered.

In the end, each writer must weigh the risks and benefits before sharing work with anyone else, in the IWW or elsewhere.
From personal experience, as a member and an administrator of the IWW since the last century, I can remember only one instance hinting at possible plagiarism. As writers on the Internet, however, we must understand we have opened a window to the world. We can pull the shade. We can lock the window. We can do everything right, and be harmed.

Every sophisticated and rational person realizes the world is not a safe place, and copes.

Every member of the IWW should realize IWW administrators work hard to keep the lists as safe as possible, and we believe we're doing the best we can.

"If it wasn't for faith there would be no living in this world; we couldn't even eat hash with any safety."
Josh Billings, Irish playwright & critic

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